Thursday, September 5, 2013

Complexion Brush Soft 1 Brush

Complexion Brush Soft 1 BrushThis is the second time that I've purchased the Bernard Jensen complexion brush through Amazon. I believe the first one lasted close to a year before the bristles started falling out. The brush is a bit too stiff and rough at first, but after running it under hot water and soaping it up a few times, it softens up and does the trick! I find that the ones that you can buy in the stores are too small and way too soft....if you can find them at all. I was raised on using a complexion brush to keep the skin clear, and at 55, I still get compliments on having a clear, smooth complexion.

Love this....much better than the nylon bristle ones you sometimes find in CVS, etc. It is a little stiff at first...but if you rinse it with hot water before lathering it, it softens some...just use less pressure at first until the brush softens a little. This is the best complexion brush I've ever used. I tend to use it with either African black soap (raw), or Noxema, depending on the time of year and how dry my skin feels. If I use it with soap, I lather the brush...with Noxema, I spread the cream on my face and then lightly scrub with the wet brush. Wash it out with some soap and water after Noxema. I'm 56 years old and I haven't a single blackhead or blemish...even when I examine my skin in a magnifying mirror!

Buy Complexion Brush Soft 1 Brush Now

I am pleased with the product but was hoping it was a bit smaller and softer. For a complexion brush, it would seem like it should be as I expected. But I'm using the brush even though it can't get into areas around my nose that require a smaller brush. Bernard Jensen products come highly recommended so I will probably order the smaller brush eventually.

Read Best Reviews of Complexion Brush Soft 1 Brush Here

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