Read Best Reviews of Folicure Shampoo Here
I first bought Folicure in the mid-90s at a Pharmor in PA when that chain was still around. I was scared of going bald and had paid an outrageous sum of money for some hair treatment that I don't think did a blessed thing apart from get me to rub my head more. I figured Folicure couldn't hurt and was much cheaper. I liked it a lot and stuck with it. When Pharmor went out of business, I could never find it again and used that last bottle sparingly. I looked for it for years, but only found it again in 2008 I bought a huge 32 oz. bottle that I'm still working through 2 years later.Does it keep your hair from falling out? I can't say for sure, but I've still got a full head of hair. Maybe it's genetics and that I take care of my health, but Folicure certainly doesn't hurt. I do know that my hair and head feel clean after I use this. It doesn't strip my hair and it leaves everything very manageable. I also really love the smell and have had women compliment me on it as well... I'm not sure why as it has a slightly chemical smell, but it's pleasant. Use it for a couple of months and see if it helps at all. It's a lot cheaper than some of the alternatives!
I should mention I don't wash my hair every day if I do, it tends to get even more oily. I usually shampoo every other day, and definitely after going to the gym. I use just enough shampoo to get it to lather up lightly, spread it through my hair thoroughly and massage my scalp heavily to open up the pores and follicles. I usually condition, but try to get that only on the hair and not on my scalp. I try to not use much product conditioner alone usually lets me get away with that. After 15 years, I still have all of my hair and I get compliments about my hair constantly.
As an aside: If you're losing your hair and treat your scalp gently thinking you're doing it a favor... don't. Massage it and get the blood moving so you can feel your scalp getting warm. Remind your noggin that it's alive! Yes, more hair will fall out at first, but over time more hair will grow in than before. You'll probably never stop all of your hair loss, but vigorously rubbing your scalp at least once a day will never hurt it.
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I've been using this product for a year or so, I started using it because some hairs were falling off on a daily basis which got me worried. This product stopped/decreased the falling very well, it could have been other factors (like stress) but it was good enough that when I moved to another city and failed to find it on retail stores. I ordered it from amazon directly.I guess there are better hair products, but this one is cheap and does a good job for the price.
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