Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Nature's Answer Perio Wash

Nature's Answer Periowash Alcohol-free Mouthwash, Cool Mint, 16-OunceAs can be found in the comments of the negative review, the ingredients and packaging have changed for the better. Here is what the bottle reads now:

Phytoplenolin (Centipeda Cunninghamii Extract), Bio-Chelated Extracts: Calendula Flower, Chamomile Flower, Echinacea Purpurea Tops, Gotu Kola Herb, Prickly Ash Bark, Olive leaf, Grapefruit Seed, Black Walnut Green Hulls, Green Tea Leaf, Goldenseal Rhizome, Essential Oils of Peppermint, Oregano, Rosemary, Lavender, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon Balm, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Bio-Saponin (Quillaia, Yucca Extract, Sarsparilla Root Extract, Wild Yam Root Extract), Xylitol, Folic Acid, Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis), Coenzyme Q10, Chlorophyll.

Base Ingredients: USP Purified Water, Vegetable Glycerin

Hopefully people will make decisions based on the correct information

Nice clean ingredients. Very potent. You only need a tiny bit. It says to use two capfuls two times a day. It lasts long enough & the price is good.

I have very sensitive teeth due to the gums receding a bit & I use this with the same brand toothpaste. I have noticed an improvement in my tooth sensitivity.

There are no creepy or dangerous ingredients. Lots of herbs & a bunch of other natural stuff. I don't have the bottle in front of me to go over a whole ingredients list but trust me, from what I can tell it's safe.

If you are used to the weird colored blue & green stuff on store shelves, this stuff might come as a surprise to you. Tastes unlike any of those dye loaded disasters, & has an all natural brownish color. Give it a chance. Don't be scared. That other crap is well, crap & you should fear something that is electric blue!

Buy Nature's Answer Perio Wash Now

Perfect Product, No Preservatives Investigate for Yourself

I've been using it with continuing healing of my family's gums and was in the process of reordering when I saw the review saying there's sodium benzoate in it and looked at the label and it's not there. I wonder why that person lied... anyway, the scientific research at universities showed rapid healing of gums with folic acid and this is one of the only ones that has it.

Read Best Reviews of Nature's Answer Perio Wash Here

I've been using this mouthwash ever since I found Nature's Answer Perio Rub Gel, .5 oz gel for toothaches and that got rid of the worst toothache I ever had in my life after a half drilled cavity was packed hard with filling right next to a tooth that was taken out by my dentist. No pain before I went into the dentist but a crapload when I got out. It was the worse pain I ever had in my life and it lasted for over a week until the day after I rubbed some PerioRub on it. Not only did it get rid of the pain and swelling about 1-4 days after using it, it cleared out any bad bacteria that could've made me sick. That stuff saved me from getting another tooth taken out. I was trying to save it but the pain was so bad I just wanted it out.

This mouthwash is just as good as the PerioGel. I haven't had to make a trip to the dentist since with anything major going on in my mouth. I had just got done putting out over $2000 out of pocket on dental visits for major issues I was having. This mouthwash stops any dental problems before they start, since I started using it every night not only have my teeth stayed problem free for the first time in a lonng time, but if I ever bite down on something too hard and then rinse my mouth secs after with this mouthwash the pain and swelling is gone. Before I started using this if I bit down on something too hard I'd have tooth pain for days to weeks before it healed on its own if at all. My teeth are a lot stronger too. Some of my teeth were cracking and a couple I had to get filled actually broke after I ate something hard. Since I've been rinsing with the mouthwash every night I've had no problems at all eating hard food. That's a big thing because it was happening over the last couple years.

I use this plus Auromere toothpase, peroxide and Listerine just to make sure I don't have to make another weekly trip to the dentist anytime soon and I've had no problems at all. It's been working really good.

Want Nature's Answer Perio Wash Discount?

My Dental Hygeinist asked me if I had been doing anything new in my oral care this last time I went in for a cleaning.

I told her about my using Perio Wash for the last few months. She was quite amazed and said that my plague buildup was almost nonexistent. She wrote down the name and said she is going to recommend it to her patients.

This is a great rinse.

Save 12% Off

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