Many, many years ago, I developed a mild allergy to perfumes and fragrances long story. Ever since, I had to say goodbye to all of them wonderful, moisturizing, deodorant, skin-conditioning, lathery soaps. It's been Pure & Natural or Basic for me when it comes to soap and unscented baby powder when it comes to deodorants. I occasionally use Johnson & Johnson bars but they tend to be a bit more expensive. And, you know what? I feel much cleaner, more comfortable, fresher than 'before' Basic and, after more than 10 years of daily and almost-exclusive use I am unaware of any unwanted side-effects.
What you get with Basic is an honest, inexpensive soap that keeps your skin honestly clean and healthy. Or so is my experience.
Piece of advice I'd check with my local supermarket before placing an order here. Hopefully, one day, this item will be available under the super-saver program.I made a basic assumption that something labeled hypoallergenic would not be heavily perfumed. I was in error. Dont know how well this does on the skin since opening the package set off my sinusitis. Must have missed something in the product description
Buy Dial Basic HypoAllergenic Bar Soap 3.2oz-3pack Now
This soap is sudsy and has a very light scent that seems to disappear as I use it. I don't get a sneezing fit! My skin doesn't feel dry after use, and I never get a rash or itch. It's at a reasonable price, and is delivered promptly.I recommend it highly.
Read Best Reviews of Dial Basic HypoAllergenic Bar Soap 3.2oz-3pack Here
I use the soap after swimming to remove the clorine from my skin. removes about 95% of the smell. This is great. A friend tried it also and said the same thing. Found it less expensive at Shop N Stop.Want Dial Basic HypoAllergenic Bar Soap 3.2oz-3pack Discount?
My husband loves this soap. It is just a simple soap, but it does well on his skin which can be sensitive. Liquid soap is quick and easy, but doesn't last nearly as long as a good old-fashioned bar of soap. Good buy for the money.
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