My hair is;
Color treated
Keratin treated
Hot oil treated
Long (if I tilt my head back, I can touch my butt with my hair)
Notorious for being heavy (because of how thick it is
(and those are what I can think of!)
The product is/does/has:
Repair (all the above symptoms with my hair plus some) damage in only ONE use
Endorsed by Chaz Dean, the "hair guru"
Expensive (I got the samples, that way I could try them out first)
Avalible in a sampler/travel package on Amazon
Avaliable on Amazon in; Almond Mint, Pomegranate, Fig, Lavendar, Summer Mango, Cucumber Aloe, Tea Tree, Spring
Gardenia Green Tree, Fall Ginger Pumpkin, Summer Mango Coconut, (and after 8 pages on Amazon, thats all I am
going to list lol)
No sulfates
Is a cleansing conditioner
Soaks on your hair in 3-5 minutes to leave it with a healthy and clean feeling
I read the product reviews so I knew I would have to try a few different kinds, so my expectations were not too
This particular kind makes my scalp feel minty, which feels great!
My husband thinks my hair is softer (I think he's just trying to be nice)
You would think it would smell like bengay, but the almond scent overpowers the "bad" minty part of the smell
My hair is a little less frizzy
The back of my head (where one would pull on your hair) is perfect like on tv, maybe I just need to use it a few
more times
My hair FEELS clean, which even with other products, having to scrub and scrub, I dont feel this clean
My head feels lighter, I no longer feel like im carrying a bowling ball on my head
Obviously this one is not the one for me, as it did not do for me what it did to the women on TV
My hair feels like straw to me in the areas where has always been the most dry, ends and front
This is not a "one use and its 100% better" product as its advertised as on TV
This product is in general, expensive. Even for the travel packets I purchased, they were about 7$ each, and only
supposed to be enough for one wash (I have over half the packet left after my first wash, and let me tell you,
when you are trying to glop that much product onto your hair, its suprising how far it will go, I could have used
about a quarter sized amount and it still would have saturated my hair!)
I am rating this product with 4 stars and hoping that the next one I try is "the one" for my hair! As with what another writer on here said, I am going to continue trying different Wen products until I find (or not) the one that works for me, and I reccomend for anyone on here looking for a working product to do the exact same thing, spend about 30$ figuring out which one works for you before you jump all in for a product simply because it "smells pretty" but doesnt really do anything for your hair. I challenge ALL of you to really read the reviews and come up with your own consensus, then, post it! Do you wish to know how many reviews I read before I actually purchased this item? Most items I will simply read the reviews that are on the site where I am buying, due to lazyness. (typically if I'm reading a review, I want to buy it anyways) On this item in particular, I can tell you that I read reviews on Amazon, Google, Chaz Deans website, and a complainers website. Funny thing, on the complainers site, each person had ONLY tried ONE kind of this product... Then they talked about spending anywhere from 250$ to 500$ a month on their hair! O.O REALLY!? If you can spend that much on yourself to go to a salon, but you cant spend some of that on a hair product that works at home, its your problem, not the problem of the creator of the product, Those people could have just as easily bought one of each kind and bathed their poodles in it (since its sulfate free, I dont see why that would be a problem) Instead of getting on a high horse. My best advice is TRY IT before you BUY (a large portion of) IT. On the bright side, I have a new hair project that will not ruin my hair (As far as I can tell it can only help it) and be time consuming enough and fast enough for me to not get bored. I apologize for the length, but hopefully all the details I am providing will help someoone choose products in the future. I would give this product five stars if it had completely gotten rid of the frizziness and if it were cheaper. On the upside, 4 stars is not too shabby!
I hope all this helps!
Brittany Roozeboom, IowaI bought this for a friend. She wanted to try out the product but didn't want to pay for a whole bottle. She loves the product and ended up buying the bottle.
Buy WEN By Chaz Dean Cleansing Conditioner Travel Packet in Sweet Almond Mint 2 Fl Oz. Now
I watched the infomercial on it and figured I'd give it a try. I didn't notice a bit of difference in my hair after using it for two weeks. Oh well, guess I saved money just trying the travel size first instead of spending all the money on the full sized one.i had to use shampoo and use this as conditioner. It felt great afterwards but I wish it worked like the commercials say it does. switched to Moroccan oil shampoo to see if it helpsWant WEN By Chaz Dean Cleansing Conditioner Travel Packet in Sweet Almond Mint 2 Fl Oz. Discount?
LOVED this the first time I used it but I used it the next day and my hair doesn't feel as clean as the day before. Guess I will use it once a week or so and it might work better.
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