Warm Vanilla Sugar is the best scent Bath and Body Works carries. The sanitizer is a great item to use when needing a little sensual pick-me -up. I haven't bought this item from this seller but definitely will buy this product. The only downside (or good thing, depends on how you look at it) is that the scent lasts a very long time and is strong. Even if you use a dime sized amount or less, it still smells like vanilla two hours later, and people around you could get annoyed. I love the smell, so it doesn't bother me. But otherwise, great!

I love this hand gel; it has a nice texture to it, and has an awesome scent that will stay on your hands for hours after its application. Oh, and it does a great job of keeping one's hands virtually germ-free. You can't go wrong with this refreshing and effective hand sanitizer/gel. I recommend it.
Buy Bath and Body Works ~ Warm Vanilla Sugar ~ Anti-Bacterial Deep Cleansing Hand Gel Pocketbac, 1 oz. Now
I absolutely love Warm Vanilla Sugar. It has been a favorite of mine for years. They currently stopped making it in Boston so it's very rare that I actually have it. But when it's out, I make sure I stock up on it! This went to my mother for her stocking, and she loves it! Its a great sent.
Read Best Reviews of Bath and Body Works ~ Warm Vanilla Sugar ~ Anti-Bacterial Deep Cleansing Hand Gel Pocketbac, 1 oz. Here
These little containers are perfect to carry everywhere when you don't have access to wash your hands. I keep one on my desk, one in my purse and a couple in my car. Super-sweet scented, this and the Japanese cherry blossom are my faves!!
Want Bath and Body Works ~ Warm Vanilla Sugar ~ Anti-Bacterial Deep Cleansing Hand Gel Pocketbac, 1 oz. Discount?
I don't know why I bought it on here... I can go to bath and body works and get 2 for 5.. but oh well! Smells good!
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