Buy Biore Acne Clearing Scrub (1% Sal Acid), 4.5 Ounce Now
Biore Acne Clearing Scrub smells like oranges and leaves skin feeling tingly and fresh. The exfoliating beads leaves skin feeling smooth, clean and shiny. The salacyclic acid and exfoliation of the scrub helps to clear dead skin cells and cleans pores to help prevent further acne breakouts. I recommend using a nice moisterizer after this product to keep it from over drying skin. If you are prone to acne, breakouts, and have oily skin this is a good cleansing product to use as a daily cleanser.Read Best Reviews of Biore Acne Clearing Scrub (1% Sal Acid), 4.5 Ounce Here
I was pretty pleased with this face scrub. The abrasive content was just right enough so I felt a scrubbing action, but not so much that it felt like I was sandblasting my face. It lathers very well almost too well, in fact, since it takes some effort to rinse off. The scent make me think of citrus fruit, and was very light.It has a 1% concentration of salicylic acid, which is half as much as the Neutrogena salicylic acid washes and scrubs (my usual brand) which contain 2%. That's both a positive and a negative: pro because it's gentler on my skin (if I use the 2% more than once a day will cause redness); but con since it's also less effective. It's also more expensive than the Neutrogena salicylic acid versions.
But the scent is quite nice, and it left my face feeling very refreshed, so it deserves 5 stars. Definitely worth trying if you're looking for a salicylic acid-based scrub.
Want Biore Acne Clearing Scrub (1% Sal Acid), 4.5 Ounce Discount?
I've used many scrubs over the years. This has got to be my favorite. I wish it had been available when I was young and really had troubled skin. Now, I still have some trouble with blemishes and white heads, but my skin is no longer as oily as it used to be.I have combination skin, but because my face is drier and more sensitive than it used to be, I shy away from the harsher scrubs of my youth. But I don't want a milk toast scrub either; why bother? So, I'm really very happy with this one from Biore: The gel is very thick and jam-packed with scrubbing particles. In my mind, the particles seem to be--how to say this--more "rounded" maybe? So that, while there are lots and lots of particles, they don't rough up my skin.
And like I mentioned in the title, the fragrance cannot be beat! I look forward to using it each day, and I believe I can see a difference.
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