Wednesday, July 3, 2013

BOOTS Botanics In Shower Facial Polish, 3.3 fl oz

BOOTS Botanics In Shower Facial Polish, 3.3 fl ozThis is the best face scrub I've found. It doesn't irritate my skin and leaves it feeling clean without residue like most others. The price is crazy when this can be bought for around $8 at target and

The Boots In Shower Facial Polish is not my favorite scrub. The scrubbing particles are rather large, resulting in a rougher scrubbing action than I would like, and most of all the product is quite strongly perfumed. This did not make my dry and at times sensitive skin feel good. The perfume is too intense and generally not enjoyable to my nose. I definitely prefer the microbead-scrubbing action of my Aveeno Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub much gentler and without too much of a scent.

And please note that at the time I am writing this review, the price here on Amazon is outrageously high at almost 20 dollars. You can get this for less than half that elsewhere. Make sure to shop around if you want to try it.

Buy BOOTS Botanics In Shower Facial Polish, 3.3 fl oz Now

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