Sunday, July 28, 2013

Neutrogena Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser Oil Control Face Foam Wash 100g Made in Thailand

Neutrogena Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser Oil Control Face Foam Wash 100g Made in ThailandI started using this product because I felt my skincare routine needed a bit of change up-and I couldn't find Neutrogena Deep Clean Oil Free at the store. My skin was getting a little dryer as the winter months set in, and although my skin is very oily-I thought maybe I could step down to a product that "controls oil" rather than being oil free. Initially I was impressed with the way this product lathered and how well it foamed. Additionally my skin felt very clear right after I would wash my face with it-however, that clean feeling did not last.

After three months of use my chin is broken out beyond all recognition. I have blackheads on my forehead-a place I haven't had acne issues on for ten years! The side of my face-a place I have NEVER had any issues with has had quite a few large zits form, and has blackheads. These issues should have been enough to make me discontinue use-however it was not until the acne on my chin reached my jaw-line that I figured out it was this face wash that was making me breakout and not anything else in my skincare routine. The reason I continued use for so long was because experts say there is an "adjustment period," that can last 8-12 weeks, and I figured my skin would adjust out.

I give this a two star and not a one because I think for some people this could work. If your skin not acne prone, sensitive, and is a little on the dry side (or even normal) than this may work well for you. I have not had dryness issues like I was having before I started using this product.

Note: I purchased this formula in Australia, however as far as I can tell, it is the same as the formula sold in the US.

Skin type: Very oily, 20-something, few lines, semi-pigmented, acne prone, sensitive, few dry spots (during winter months)

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