Saturday, March 22, 2014

Molton Brown Molton Brown Re-Charge Black Pepper Bodywash

Molton Brown Molton Brown Re-Charge Black Pepper BodywashI gave this product to my boyfriend for his birthday and both of us are thrilled with the purchase. A friend recommended it to me because it is her stepfather's favorite scent and thought my boyfriend might enjoy it as well. The scent is very true to its description. It is spicy and masculine without being overpowering. This was a plus to me when buying it for my boyfriend because I often find male grooming products to be too heavily perfumed. This one succeeded at having a distinguishable aroma without being over powering, a perfect compromise. My boyfriend enjoys that it cleans well and smells great while he's in the shower. I appreciate that I the scent has longevity so I can often continue to smell it distinctly long after he has been out of the shower. I never noticed this before with the body washes and face washes he previously used. The only thing I will say about it was that my boyfriend did comment that the scent was "different" and probably not something he would have picked out himself. This is largely subjective of course. However, a man who is not adventurous in his scents may not want to take a risk on this product. Overall, it's a great product and while pricy, delivers a wonderful scent for the money.

Don't be put off by the major ingredient here, I think a lot of people would assume Black Pepper would not smell very nice and would be way to hot and caustic against the skin, but not so.

It has a refreshing zingyness that wakes you up gently so it is perfect for your early morning shower. It gives you a gentle and tender glow that feels warming and invigorating but not remotely burning. It has a spicey, subtle fragrance which is not unlike old fashioned cologne. Not unpleasant and not overpowering.

It feels like a good deep cleanser too and has a real luxury quality. It also goes a long long way, I recommend this product particularly for men, it's lovley for the face after shaving. Also, if you have never tried Molton Brown products before then you are in for a treat, they do what they say with more than a touch of luxury.

Buy Molton Brown Molton Brown Re-Charge Black Pepper Bodywash Now

I first tried the Molton Brown Black Pepper BodyWash in a little sampler I got for a birthday. I loved the fragrance so this year I requested it for Christmas. I love the smell. It clings to you for a couple of hours after the shower and would make an excellent layering fragrance with something like Bvlgari Black. The scent is a bit spicy like pepper with a afterbite of something woodsy like silverbirch. Warm, tangy and invigorating. Great scent to wake up to!

Read Best Reviews of Molton Brown Molton Brown Re-Charge Black Pepper Bodywash Here

Really, my husband should be writing this review, since he uses this product every day. I love it, however, because it smells so wonderful. I'd call it "a handsome scent," because it's strong without being overpowering, and it's a warm scent, without being feminine in any way. He used this product first on our honeymoon, provided by our B&B, and hasn't stopped using it since. Expensive, but a little goes a long way (I think he uses about a dime sized amount per day).

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My son bought this for me and I love it! It is truely a unisex fragrance. I have purchased more since and also the eau de toilet. I don't care much for floral fragrances. Black Pepper is refreshing, clean and invigoating!! You really need to try it!

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