Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Boscia Luminizing Black Mask 2.8 oz

Boscia Luminizing Black Mask 2.8 ozI spoke with a Boscia specialist at Sephora before I purchased this mask. I had read great things about the product, but the one negative thing I kept reading was that it is a huge pain to get off and that you need to apply a thick layer. The Boscia man told me that this isn't true, and he demonstrated it in the store on my hand. You can apply a super thin layer; it just needs to be distributed evenly, and it comes off without a problem. Well, it worked on my hand, but the problem I faced when I got home was that I put a dollop of the product in my hand (this stuff looks and feels like tar; do not be alarmed) and then spread it evenly on my face. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough, and in the few seconds it took me to squeeze out more product, the mask on my face had already started to harden, and it was impossible to keep blending at that point. The result was that although the mask left my skin soft and gorgeous, it took FOREVER for me to peel the mask off. I think I just need to practice and it will be just fine, but it seriously took me like 20 minutes to get this stuff off my face, and I had to wash some of it off at the end. Still, the mask works splendidly, so I do recommend it.

OH My Gosh! This is like ripping duck tape off your face. I get all teary eyed just thinking about it. With that being said this is the ultimate pore cleanser. Skip the pore strips, use this instead! Here's my regimen

1. Wash and gently exfoliate

2. Put a medium layer on, face must be completely covered, no skin poking out here and there. Make sure it's thick enough to cover all skin but, not too thick as it won't dry properly

3. Make sure to avoid hairline, lips, anywhere near your eyebrows, lids or the sensitive area under your eyes or you will rip out your hair.

4. This has to dry completely, it will form a rubber like mask and you'll look scary

5. Jump out of a closet and scare the crap out of your roommate

6. Take several shots of whiskey

7. RIP IT OFF! It's easy to slowly peel a corner on your forehead and try to get it all in one or two shots.

It hurts like the dickens but, very satisfying after you see all the gross stuff you pulled out of your pores

The results are amazing. Pulls everything right out of your pores. You will be quite red for a little while so make sure to not do this right before a hot date. You will have little black bits left over and they will need to be scrubbed off.

8. Rinse and moisturize.

I recommend doing this once every other week or so. This is incredibly irritating to your skin and may even make you break out the first time. This is great to integrate into your skin care regimen.

Buy Boscia Luminizing Black Mask 2.8 oz Now

I don't usually write reviews, but I love this product. I bought this today from Sephora. I needed something that would get the dirt out of my pores, make my pores smaller, and generally help with overall appearance. I'm getting older and it's time to start using this type of product to help out, ya know what I mean? :)

So I just tried this. I did read reviews about putting a thick layer on. I actually applied one thin layer and then went back and applied a second layer. Avoiding the hairline, eyes and lips. I really just put enough on to where I could not see my skin underneath the mask. So it's not like it was running down my face or anything. It took less than 30 minutes to dry, but I left it on for 45 minutes.

I was watching TV with my daughter when I started peeling it off from the chin area. No problems at all. After about 4 minutes I went upstairs to finish pulling it off. I had already gotten the chin area and left cheek area completely peeled. Upstairs I finished peeling it all off. I have a complete mask sitting on my sink surface. It all came off in one piece!! It was a bit painful around the eyebrow and hairline, but I found that if I pulled my skin tight it didn't hurt as much. After the mask was off I could see all of the little hairs that were pulled off. Ow.

After taking the mask off I applied my Aveeno moisturizer. THAT burned just a little bit, but it may have actually been MY lotion. Might try the Boscia lotions next time. All in all, I love it! My face is so soft. I could see all of the stuff that the mask pulled out of my pores. EW. I do have acne prone skin so I am waiting to see if it causes any breakouts in the next few days before using again though.

I would definitely recommend this to friends and family.

Read Best Reviews of Boscia Luminizing Black Mask 2.8 oz Here

I tried it for the first time yesterday but the major part of the experience was taking it off. So after 15 mins of peeling off small pieces of mask, I decided to give it another try, except this time I applied it only on the T-zone. Low and behold, even after only 4 hours of sleep, my skin actually looked fresh and surprisingly brighter. Pores became smaller and my skin tone appeared more even. It actually works! My fiancé is going to hate me for this, but I'm going to force him to put this on after every round of golf.

Want Boscia Luminizing Black Mask 2.8 oz Discount?

finding an effective mask for my dark skin is near impossible. when i started using this mask i had a massive black mark in the middle of my forehead. after about a month of use the mark is almost completely gone, my skin is brighter and smoother. my only issue is that i go to school outside of the country and it is hard to find if you're not near a sephora. still, i recommend it to anyone.

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