She used Procactive skin products and it did not work at all. I took her to two dermathologists; they prescribed oral and topic antiobotics and expensive prescription creams; it made her acne worse. I also took her to an esthetician who only wanted me to buy her expensice skin products. She also tried over the counter stuff; i bought every brand and nothing. This has been the only product that has worked for her. I discovered it by accident and decided to give it a try.
Its very simple to use, and it works!
She has now clear skin and everyone has noticed. Her self esteem has skyrocketed; acne is very damaging for a over sensitive teen girl.I've been reading up on these recently, and I haven't found them on Amazon until just the other month or so. This is the one I went with, and so far, I'm happy with the purchase. Since I've received it, I've drastically changed my facial routine, so I can't be certain what's worked the best, but I can tell you that I've NEVER seen my face as clear as it is now. I've never had REALLY troubled skin, and I still get the occasional blemish even now, but my face is definitely smoother. I use this sponge in the morning, with just water, and then in the evening I remove my makeup and use Neutrogena Deep Clean Long-Last Shine Control, Cleanser/mask, 6 Ounce (Pack of 2). Twice a week I also use Boscia Luminizing Black Mask 2.8 oz. Since I started using all of them around the same time, I don't know what's helping the best, but all three have definitely smoothed out my complexion and I'm very happy!
It's just too bad I didn't use these products when I was 15 =)
Buy Dew Puff Bamboo Charcoal Konjac Sponge (for blemish-prone skin) Now
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