WARNING: This is NOT for anyone with sensitive skin. This is very strong. Also, it can bleach clothing so be sure that you aren't wearing your favorite clothing when you wash up!From about age 13 to 23, I regularly suffered from pretty bad acne outbreaks. I tried all sorts of medications to treat it, both prescribed and over the counter. I had become all but resigned to the idea that it would become a lifelong affliction. It was not until I discovered this stuff while in college that I had found a truly effective solution for my acne woes. I have been using it for about 4-5 years now and could not be happier. Save yourself some trips to the dermatologist and unhealthy antiobiotic prescriptions and give this a shot. The only downside to is that the active ingredient (benzoyle peroxide) is a bleaching agent. You've got to be careful that it doesn't get on your clothes, carpet etc.
Buy Oxy Maximum Daily Face Wash, 6 Fl-Ounce (177 ml) (Pack of 4) Now
Allot of people could use this product alone to stop breakouts if they have moderate adult acne but people with bigger adult acne problems should really try this product and Neutrogena Deep Clean Invigorating Foaming Scrub along with controlling or eliminating processed sugars in their diet before resorting to a Dermatologist. I have spent ALLOT of money on Dermatologist appointments, medications (which often damage the Liver or Kidneys) and the MD's brand of acne wash most of which did little more in the long term than damage my body and wallet.My first hand recommendation for moderate to severe adult acne. While in the shower, use the Neutrogena scrub (mentioned above), rinse, then use this product (same amount of Benzoyl Peroxide as the MD wash) and rinse. If starting during a severe breakout, perform 2x per day but no more (because of skin drying). You should see results within 2-3 days and clear skin within 1-4 weeks (depending on severity of the infection). Finally, listen to your body before listening to the flip/flop notion that diet doesn't play a part in acne certain refined/processed sugars (usually from desserts and candy) provoke skin secretions that initiate and worsen acne. I don't know how this treatment would work on teen acne but I wish I had the chance to try it when I was a teen.
I would also recommend getting some bleach friendly bath towels Benzoyl Peroxide bleaches cloth and linen. Good luck!
Read Best Reviews of Oxy Maximum Daily Face Wash, 6 Fl-Ounce (177 ml) (Pack of 4) Here
This product has helped me sooo much for well over a decade. UNFORTUNATLY.., the frontside bottle pictured here (unscented version)is no longer available.If you look closly on the photo of ingredients it is the NEW version w added fragrance. Having easily aggreivatated skin, fragrance is the last thing I need to apply to my face. I bought the fragranced one thinking it was the original then spent two days wondering why i kept smelling grandpas cologne. Also my skin increased oil production because my face skin just can't handle fragrance. I once would swear BUY! this product ,but adding fragrance was a real "zitty" idea.Sorely disappointed.. guess I'll continue my search for a new face wash and pray I don't have to go back to dermatologist side affect gel.Want Oxy Maximum Daily Face Wash, 6 Fl-Ounce (177 ml) (Pack of 4) Discount?
It is good for short term use. It clears the existing acne. BUT, if you keep using this on a regular basis, it will cause white heads like it did to me. It doesn't clear face deeply which causes clogged pores and eventually more acne. So, I use this face wash as an emergency wash to get rid of the existing ones. My suggestion is, never use it for a long time.
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