Sunday, September 21, 2014

Somme Institute Pillow Pack ( Exclusive, $55 Value!) 1 ea

Somme Institute Pillow Pack 1 eaI have been putting the larger Somme trial pack in and out of my cart forever. The reviews are always great, and my coworker with lovely skin swears by this line. But it wasn't until recently, when my skin decided to do all things at once (greasy, clogged pores, dry patches, rough spots, lines, red stuff--the whole package) and I ran out of all the things I was trying, that I thought I'd spring for this. I was so excited to find this cheaper trial size, because really, it should be big enough so I'll know if it works and doesn't mess with my sensitive skin, but yet at this price it's not an investment.

Well, sign me up! I am now devoted to this line! I won't be getting all of it full-sized, but will continue to use the 3 "star" products: the pads, serum, and A-bomb cream. The non-foaming cleanser is fine, and I like it, but I don't think you really need it, and it's pricey full-sized for a cleanser. I will just substitute any good cleanser for that and apply the 'savings' toward those 3 products.

The pads are super--they really exfoliate well--but not overly so. This kit comes with 14, enough for a week's worth (one each a.m. and p.m.). However, like so many before me suggested, I cut them in half and that works as well (if not better--they are very saturated, and using a full-sized, dripping pad did seem to dry me out a wee bit--better to cut them in half and/or squeeze them out a bit before use). The serum (vitamin C) has already made more of a difference than I've seen from other C serums, and I've tried a ton. It feels like water going on--not sticky like many C serums. It soaks in right away. I have been using 3 drops morning and evening, and that's the perfect amount for me (I tend to over-apply stuff). Last, the A-bomb, which also sinks in right way, and you only need a finger-pat to cover your face. I couldn't tell you which of these 3 is the best, or which is most responsible for the dramatic improvement of my skin, so I'll continue to use them as a system. Seriously, they have given me the beautiful, glowing, even-toned, balanced skin I used to have years and years ago (and took for granted).

I took off one star for the sunblock. I really wanted to see how this was, because I see that they also offer a tinted version, and although I'm pleased with my current sun protection, I am also a product junky and in love with the idea of using an entire line (as opposed to whatever half-used thing is lurking under my sink). But when it arrived, it had leaked out a little, and the remainder was half oily something, and half wad of waxy something in the jar. I tried to mix the two elements back together, but couldn't. I don't know if it was a bad batch, or if it was subjected to fluxuating temps, but I said, I like what I'm using, though I would have liked to try it.

All in all, I can't urge you enough to try this. I believe that this set is designed for a week's worth of use (which would be more than enough time for you to see real, impressive results, as I did), but if you cut those pads in half, you can certainly get two weeks out of it, because there's plenty of the other products included, and a little goes a long way.

I'll be reordering this along with the full sizes of the three products, because I can take it on trips, when my skin care usually falls apart.

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