Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Prep skin refresher helps remove dead skin cells, excess oil, and any residue after cleansing. Prep

Prep skin refresher helps remove dead skin cells, excess oil, and any residue after cleansing. Prep will stimulate new skin cells and promote a clear, smooth, healthy looking complexion.I am a black African woman and I understand how hard it is to find products that work well with our skin. I was worried about spending $18 on just toner, but all my worries went out the window after the first day! First of all, it ships superfast (probably 2 days). It also came with a sample of their wonderful collagen cleanser. I suffered from old acne scars and pimples and discoloration and dull complexion. I use this product in the morning and at night and, after the first night, the multiple tiny bumps on my nose were reduced to only a few wimpy bumps. I look good! This toner also has some glycolic acid in it, so I'm sure that helps a lot.

I ordered this Toner almost two weeks ago and started using it 8 days ago and it has dramatically reduced the acne forming on my face and my scarring that was pretty severe from the cystic nodules that I had on my cheeks. I am on the oral antibiotic medication Septra along with receiving Chemical Peels once every two weeks from my dermatologist and doing them at home. My medication was not working as well as it was in the past and I was running out of options in order to get rid of my acne before I had to be put on Accutane. I have hormonal acne that just recently started within the past year, which was very bizarre considering I had absolutely NO acne on my face until recently and I am 20 years old. Anyways, I decided to try this stuff because it has Glycolic Acid in it and I already use peels with this in it. I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed the drastic reduction in acne blemishes on my face and the extensive scarring that I have (mainly hyperpigmentation). I would highly recommend this product to anyone with mild to severe acne, like myself, because it has worked wonders for me and I will be buying more of this in the future and possibly try some of their other products as well. Also as a side note, I suggest you put a really good moisturizer on your face afterwards because it made my face really dry. I eventually after like 3 or 4 days just used the toner on the scars on my cheeks and my forehead because these are the areas of my face where I breakout. I use 100% Organic Argan Oil, which you can buy on Amazon.

Buy Prep skin refresher helps remove dead skin cells, excess oil, and any residue after cleansing. Prep Now

This is my first--and maybe only--online review, but considering how much dermatologists charge for skin care kits, I wanted to flag this product as a great value. Cleanse, apply this prep "toner", follow with a little aloe vera gel and light moisturizer with high spf. Your skin skin will be tighter, clearer, and smoother in just a day or two. I am a big fan of this company's products; this one is really great.

Read Best Reviews of Prep skin refresher helps remove dead skin cells, excess oil, and any residue after cleansing. Prep Here

If you were like me, you're looking at the title saying, "I've never heard of these guys and the title seems a bit persuading." Yeah, I was very skeptical at first about this, but the first thing that I did was look at the reviews. After seeing everyone's good comments about how it helped their skin, I decided to order it. I struggle with BAD acne during school when I have a lot of stress, and everything I tried seemed to have no effect. This toner is completely different than others. It doesn't contain alcohol, nor does it contain the same ingredients that EVERY OTHER TONER HAS... It's unique, and within a week, my acne disappeared, and my blackheads on my nose completely vanished! The acne comes and goes, but the blackheads were ALWAYS there, and this stuff got rid of it. My advice, if you're skeptical about this stuff, it's understandable, seeing how pricey it is compared to the cheaper stuff, but trust me, it's worth it. It also comes in a fairly nice sized bottle.

The only thing bad I have to say is that when you first put it on, it can be a little harsh, so I'm not sure if people with sensitive skin should try it, but that's just for me. It goes away in about 5 minutes. Also, when going around your mouth, keep your distance! This stuff does NOT taste good at all, and if you accidentally get it on your lip, you'll be miserable for about 30 minutes!! Haha!

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This product is worth the money because it actually will improve your skin unlike the hundreds of products that I have bought in the past. It lists gycolic acid as its second ingredient and it is definitaly enough to feel the sting (which is what you want)I used it as a prep before using the gycolic-lactic acid peel(35%) that was a surprise bonus product included in my order, I had ordered A 60% gycolac peel from another company that I intended to use with this prep, but chose to try the 35% sample first. The sample is a great product as well , it stung like a #$**, I left it on for 3 min the first aplication,5 min a week later, it is just like a profesional peel of the same strenght. I paid 300 hundred dollars for a peel in my cosmetic surgeons office and got the same results; burning/stinging , tight uncomfortable skin for two days, flaking skin 3 to 5 days after if you have the funds to go to the salon then by all means have someone do it for you, but for the rest of us....just let me say, it can be done at home for just dollars per aplication. Start light like this companys 35% peel then move up in strength 2 or 3 months later. I havent tried the 60% I originally ordered yet.I just wanted to let those that read these reviews when trying to decide(like I do)that you are not wasting your money on the products I have tried from this particular company. The nuetralizer is a good product as well although its effects are not as obvious because it only nutralizes the effects of the acid( which is important)Prep skin refresher helps remove dead skin cells, excess oil, and any residue after cleansing. Prep will stimulate new skin cells and promote a clear, smooth, healthy looking complexion.

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