Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dermalogica The Ultimate Buffing Cloth

Dermalogica The Ultimate Buffing ClothI have gotten about 6 people addicted to this amazing buffing cloth. I bought it as a simple gift for small occasions and now these people cannot live without it. My buddy even takes it with him when he travels overseas. The buffing cloth starts off a little rough (for my taste anyway) the first 5-7 times you use it. Its definitely a little more abrasive than a cotton wash cloth but that's kind of the point isn't it.

After you use it for a couple of weeks it really starts to feel better and better and after about a month it feels perfect to me! That may sound like a long time but considering these cloths last for several years before they need to be replaced it really isn't that long. I replaced my first one after about 3 years of use though honestly I'm not sure the first one was worn out. I simply replaced it cause I thought I should after using it so long. The only difference I felt with the new one was that it was slightly more abrasive for the first couple of weeks.

This buffing cloths works equally well with bar soap or liquid soap. It causes the soap to foam up beautifully. The cloth is extra long so you can throw it over your shoulder and scrub your back with it easily. I don't feel as clean if I have to use a regular wash cloth or luffa in the shower anymore. I am truly spoiled by the buffing cloth. It scrubs off dead skin cells and makes you feel squeaky clean! I absolutely love it!

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