A dermatologist recommended it. This price is $20 less than at that dermatologist's!When I brought this product I wasnt for sure what it really was going too do,BUT, its is great really clean your face, pores, and your face feels great afterwards I will alwayes buy this and my face doenst break out as much anymore.
Buy Glytone Mild Gel Wash, 6.7-Ounce Package Now
I love this product. It really smooths out my face and gets rid of the intense acne I had in spots.Read Best Reviews of Glytone Mild Gel Wash, 6.7-Ounce Package Here
My Dr had told me to purchase the mild cream wash for my face. The results were good so when I ran out I went online and ordered it again. However, this time I also purchased the gel. I have seen better results with the gel and am now using it daily. Excellent results and product and I am very particular about which products I use on my face.I started using this as prescribed by my dermatologist and it helped eliminate my monthly breakouts. Its strong enough to actually work.
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