Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Facial Cleansing Towelettes

Facial Cleansing Towelettes - 30 - ToweletteIn the last couple months I have purchased and used three brands of facial wipes/towelettes: Pond's (the "Evening Soothe" variety in the purple packaging), Neutrogena, and now this Burt's Bees. I couldn't stand the residue left by Neutrogena's and once the package was used I tried Pond's, which has a lovely scent (I much preferred the Evening Soothe scent to their "morning" scent) and I've been very happy with Pond's.

But when I saw that Burt's Bees has a new facial wipe I had to try them, seeing as Burt's Bees makes wonderful skin products that I LOVE. I'm a licensed cosmetologist so I know good skin care when I see it, and Burt's Bees has always produced fantastic products (I highly recommend their Orange Facial Cleanser and Radiance SPF 15 Day Lotion, by the way). So, naturally, I was excited to try this new product.

The price is a bit higher than Pond's but you get 30 towelettes as opposed to 25 that the other brands offer so I was okay with that difference. I was impressed by the softness and the size of Burt's wipes. They are the size of a standard wash cloth, which is nice since some mornings I would find myself using two of Pond's wipes since they are a bit smaller. However, since the Burt's wipes are so soft I've found that they don't have the same "scrubbing" power that the other two brands that I have tried had. Neutrogena's had added texture bumps on one size that was helpful for scrubbing & exfoliating, and Pond's was still soft but textured slightly to help scrub your face a bit also. Burt's, on the other hand, are much thinner and have little, if any, real texture to them (like a Wet Ones or other baby wipe). Because of this, I feel that they fall slightly short compared to the other two--they don't exfoliate or remove dirt/makeup quite as efficiently as those which are textured.

On the other hand, that only makes Burt's wipes more soothing & gentle on sensitive skin. So I supposed you have to decide which effect you are going for?

I commend Burt's Bees for working so many organic & natural ingredients into their products. This is a HUGE plus for these towelettes, the fact that they are "99% natural". Also, no animal testing is also a big bonus with Burt's Bees. I love this company and what they stand for.

That said, I have one definite disappointment to complain about with these towelettes. The scent is not pleasant, in my opinion. Although my husband smelled them and thought they smelled lemony and minty and fresh, to me the scent is just like that of Pine Sol. Usually I adore the Burt's Bees scents (which are often citrus and honey and fruity), however, so I'm hoping that they reconsider their scent choice for this product and perhaps manufacture something a little less harsh. It didn't smell at all like white tea or nature. To me they smell like concentrated cleaning solution. Despite it being "99% natural", this isn't a scent I like near my face. Nonetheless, I will probably continue to use them since they are very gentle on my sensitive, far skin.

Another feature, or lack thereof, with these towelettes is that they are not powerful when it comes to makeup removing. Sure, they take off my foundation just fine, and my eye shadow, too. But when it comes to mascara, these towelettes don't really have the power behind them that Pond's do. Pond's wipes easily removed my mascara, these wipes do not. I am a heavy makeup wearer, however, and this factor might not be as significant to some.

Here's what I've come to think: I like the Pond's wipes best for at night when I take off my makeup and really wash my face. I like the Burt's Bees wipes best for the morning as just a fresh wipe clean, or when I have a "light duty" job such as cleaning smeared makeup from under my eyes and such. While both of these wipes left very little residue (and the same cannot be said for the Neutrogena, unfortunately, which left a horrible heavy film on my face) I still like to rinse with cool water after using the towelettes. (Cool water rinsing is always a good idea after cleansing with warm water as it helps contract your pores and thus protects your skin from dirt, oils, and polution.)

I would recommend these facial cleansing towelettes by Burt's Bees to the person who wears little or no makeup, absolutely. I even think these wipes make fantastic, easy skin care for men. To those who need a more powerful facial wipe, I would say go with Pond's or something else altogether. This is a good product, other than the smell I'm pretty happy with it, but it's not one of those products that is sure to suit everyone.

I had purchased Burt's Bees facial cleansers before and was not impressed, but I saw these on sale at a local drug store and decided to give them a try. Not bad! The wipes are soft and stretchy, and to my surprise, they actually do a really good job at taking off almost all of my makeup. It leaves a clean, fresh feeling. My two complaints:

1) It doesn't remove mascara...at all. (That's why I said "almost" all of my makeup)

2) This is pretty minor and sounds crazy, but the way that they package the wipes drives me nuts. Most of these types of products position/fold the wipes so that the edge is in the middle of the wipe and visible in the opening (hopefully that makes sense). It makes it easier to grab ONE. The way these are packaged, not only do I struggle with trying to grasp ahold of it, but when I finally do, I end up pulling out 2-3 of them and I have to stuff the extras back into the package. Really annoying.

Buy Facial Cleansing Towelettes Now

I can get really lazy about washing my face at the end of the day but these are really quick and easy. I used to use aveeno's positively radiant cleansing cloths which, while they worked wonderfully, they were full of chemicals (a variety of parabens) and i was really wary about prolonged use. Furthermore aveeno's cloths required to fully wet and wash/rinse your face and they were always more expensive at my local drug store. with burts bees, its so simple to just wipe my makeup off at the end of the day, no washing/rinsing required. the scent is a sort of sweet citrusi think its kind of nice. i do agree with other reviewers in that it doesn't take off mascara very well... like barely at all. It takes off my powder (bare mineral) makeup but i dont feel like it really gets in there and cleans deeply (though it doesnt claim to). Overall, mostly satisfied and certainly a nice natural option but not sure that I'll stick with these forever.

Read Best Reviews of Facial Cleansing Towelettes Here

I bought these facial wipes, not for removing make-up, but for a quick way to clean my face during the day. I generally use these about once a day when I feel like I need to wash my face...and it really does a great job! So refreshing! It thoroughly cleans my face of oils and I think it may be helping with my occasional breakouts--they don't seem as bad as they used to be. My one complaint is the smell...which is really strong. It's a kind of lemony smell with something else mixed in. It took me some time getting used to it. Anyway, I haven't tried using it to remove make-up so I can't comment on its usefulness in that respect; but, if you're looking for a quick way to wash your face during the day, I would highly recommend "Burt's Bees Facial Cleansing Towelettes with White Tea."

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I bought this because I get racoon eye when I try to wash my make-up off with normal soap or even facewash. This is gentle yet effective. Great for camping as well when you don't have access to running water.

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