Friday, September 26, 2014

Organic Bulgarian Rose Water- 250ml (USDA organic)

Organic Bulgarian Rose Water- 250mlI have difficult and problematic skin. I have adult blemishes, dry patches, oily T-zone, and VERY sensitive skin that reacts to most products. After reading about how great rose water is, I bought some at my local health food store to give it a try. I didn't have a good result at all (it made skin around my nose flaky, made my T-zone even more oily, and I started getting small white-head type pimples on my face).

Upon further investigation, I realized that what I had purchased was a mixture of rose oil and water, not actual distilled rose water. I know well from experience that I cannot use any kind of oil on my sensitive face. I use all oil-free products. I found this product on Amazon and took a chance and ordered it. I realized immediately that it's an entirely different product altogether.

I use this on my face as a "toner" morning and night, after cleansing and before moisturizer. I have changed nothing else (using the same oil-free cleanser and moisturizer that I have for years), and my skin looks better than it ever has in my life. I know that sounds dramatic, but it is so true! I can't stop looking at my skin in the mirror. It's soft, looks smooth and hydrated, my pores are less visible, and my skin is more balanced (the dry areas are hydrated, oily T-zone completely in check). Best of all, it gently and quickly cleared up the blemishes I had (including the new white bumps I got from the previous product) in a matter of two days, and I have no new blemishes in a week (unheard of). I love this stuff, and will make sure I order again before I run out.

My hormones have been on revolt, this winter. Pimples and breakouts are aplenty! Yikes. Nothing like redness and blemishes to make a person feel insecure and self conscious. What could I do? Well, suffice to say, I use cover up or powder to smooth out the texture and discoloration. Yet, that only scratches the surface of the problem (no pun intended eew!). So, I opted to go with my organic toners, potions and lotions. I find that Witch Hazel reduces the swelling, and cold water rinses in the shower make my pores feel more deeply cleansed. As of late, I have been combining rose water with the witch hazel as a combination toner treatment. I had heard really great things about Bulgarian Rose Water, and, lucky for me, a friend had given me one of those great Gift Cards. I decided to give this type of rose water a whirl.

I have nothing but great things to report. The Organic Rose Water smells amazing, feel extremely pure and a little goes a long way. I dabbed it on a piece of tissue paper and proceeded to blot it on my face paying close attention to the inflamed areas. They immediately felt less irritated, and my epidermal wall felt moisturized and protected! Plus, I smell like a rose garden, afterwards. I am definitely going to try rose water treatments, for the next few weeks, to see if it really does help refine my pores, clear up breakouts and rejuvenate me. Previous reviews were decidedly glowing, so, I had to go out on a limb, upgrade my rose water brand and give it a shot!

Buy Organic Bulgarian Rose Water- 250ml (USDA organic) Now

I LOVE this rosewater and highly recommend it. I use it as a facial toner to soothe sensitive skin. It is perfectly balancing, cooling in summer (splash some on arms and back of neck), refreshes, and even seems to speed healing of irritated/burned skin. It is also great on hair, and I have a recipe for a leave-in hair conditioner that I want to try with this (rose water, aloe vera juice, almond oil, and essential oils). I have repurchased this and I will continue to do so. I think it is one of nature's essential remedies. No home should be without it. :-) It smells very pleasant and natural, no added synthetics at all that I can detect. Enjoy.

Read Best Reviews of Organic Bulgarian Rose Water- 250ml (USDA organic) Here

Whether you use rose water as an alcohol-free skin toner or a cooking ingredient, organic is the way to go to avoid pesticides. I've ordered this Bulgarian rose water directly from the Alteya site many times over the past several years, usually two bottles at a time (2 X 500ml) to save on shipping. For my seasonally dry, always sensitive skin, it's mild and soothing alone as a morning cleanser or as a last step, after removing makeup with a cream cleanser, at the end of the day. It smells fresh and calming. It's the one skincare product I won't do without. The bottle's label is not the most attractive and I would prefer a flip-top lid, but those are very minor things in comparison with the product's value in terms of quality for price. Highly recommended.

Want Organic Bulgarian Rose Water- 250ml (USDA organic) Discount?

This is BEAUTIFUL! I used to use Cortas brand for many years, but I always noticed it tasted a little soapy. It's the only brand I had ever tried though, so I stuck with it until now. I was thrilled this product was organic and though it is 4 times the prices of Cortas I ordered it anyway and I am so glad I did. I'll never go back. I use it mixed with mint tea and orange oil or orange slices as a refresher. A little goes a long way.

The smell too is very beautiful, like fresh roses. I may find myself using this several ways besides tea.

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