Friday, September 26, 2014

Neutrogena Deep Clean Shine Control Blotting Sheets, 50 Count (Pack of 2)

Neutrogena Deep Clean Shine Control Blotting Sheets, 50 CountThe mission (which I chose to accept): Test out Neutrogena Deep Clean Shine Control Blotting Sheets.

The subjects for this experiment:

#1 Me: Female, Caucasian skin, 40s....mid to upper 40s....I remember Ford being president.

#2 The Punk: Male, Caucasian skin, 16 and just got a driver's permit, (so I am the one breaking out thinking about insurance costs).

So I get the little package and I was surprised that Neutrogena could fit 50 blotting sheets in that little pack. I was only expecting, like five. However, the blotting sheets have the paper consistency a little thicker than a Bamboo rolling papers, so there were 50. I have mid to upper 40 eyes too, so I really did have a hard time reading the directions on the back of the package. I never could read the ingredients. When I opened the pack, the whole inside cover was blank, a perfect place to put the directions instead of cramming EVERYTHING on back.

Obviously, this product markets to a younger crowd.

The sheets are smart. They have a plastic feel to Christmas tissue paper and plastic. After an experiment, the sheet does know water from oil. Water does nothing to it, while oil absorbs into the sheet and turns the sheet translucent. I think there is some kind of ingredient on the outside of the blotter.

The Punk also tried the sheets. He thought they were "okay", what does he know, darn teenagers. (Unless it has the Axe logo on it, he's not going to like anything). Being a boy, 16, and a punk, he did have some issues getting only one sheet out at a time. (Which was comforting to me as a mom knowing he didn't know how to properly remove a rolling paper). But I digress....

So the sheets were confiscated and I decided to carry them in my purse. They actually work well with make-up in an emergency. For instance, right before the annual Christmas picture.

I'm a big fan of blotting paper rather than caking on more powder. That said, I've tried most of them. Clean and Clear (another favorite), l'Occitane Rice paper (ok but expensive for what you get), Shisedo (ditto), Sephora brand (eh, so so) and Boscia green tea (good enough). The Neutrogena ones are great because they really work and they don't leave any residue. They are colored and turn translucent as you use them, which is handy and makes it easy to find your oily zones. If you haven't tried blotting sheets, try these, they are excellent and great price to quality.

Buy Neutrogena Deep Clean Shine Control Blotting Sheets, 50 Count (Pack of 2) Now

These sheets may look like they've been cut out of blue surgical gloves and may feel the same when you use them. However, when you see how well they work, you won't care a bit. Like some other facial rehabilitation products (such as Biore), the Neutrogena Deep Clean Shine Control Blotting Sheets gives you the satisfaction of letting you see exactly what's coming off your face. (And be honest, you know you enjoy it when you see all those black spikes stuck to a pore cleansing strip when you peel it off--right before you say "yuck!" and toss it in the trash.) Depending on your skin type, you may be amazed at the quantity of oil pulled from your face. The sheets themselves are rather thin, kind of like onion skin typing paper (yes, I'm old enough to remember typing paper). However, on the inside flap of the case is a piece of sticky tape; you remove the protective covering and the tape adheres to the topmost blotting sheet when you close the case, so that when you open it back up, a single sheet has been pulled out, ready for use. Close, stick, open, use, repeat. Handy! I don't carry around a stopwatch, so I don't know if the claim of "oil control for 4 hours" is accurate; however, even if it only works for an hour or two, I would still be satisfied. The credit card-sized package means you can conveniently carry it around in your purse, wallet, pocket, or even your bra (although that might be a bit uncomfortable for long-term storage).

The only downside is that size. Unless you're blotting a small area (like your nose, perhaps), more than one sheet may need to be used. However, there are 50 sheets per pack, which means even if you use more than one sheet at a time, you're still getting a pretty good bang for your buck. Plus, it's Neutrogena; I've trusted my skin to them many times over the years, confident that their high quality standards will keep my skin in great shape. Knowing that instead of caking my pores with more powder, I'm actually getting rid of the stuff which can make my skin go bad (and when it goes bad, it really goes bad--sneaking out of the house, trashing the car, binge drinking, the whole deal--bad skin!) makes the cost of this product, which is a bit higher than other blotting papers, a worthy trade-off.

Read Best Reviews of Neutrogena Deep Clean Shine Control Blotting Sheets, 50 Count (Pack of 2) Here

1. No powder residue on your face. Many other blotting sheets have some powder on them which can leave clumps of powder. Best feature!

2. Need to use 2 sheets to really get the oil/shine off my face.

3. Nice packaging. Has a tape strip that makes it easy to take one sheet out at a time. That way you can pull out as many or as few as you need precisely.

Want Neutrogena Deep Clean Shine Control Blotting Sheets, 50 Count (Pack of 2) Discount?

These sheets do what they say they will they remove the oil (shine) from your face without disrupting your makeup. They are compact, lightweight and therefore easily portable for on the go use.

The only thing I did not like about these sheets, is that they can become flimsy and a little hard to maneuver over your face after they have soaked up some oil.

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